Sunday, January 23, 2011

Worlds apart

It is a chilly day in Niagara, the snow fell steadily throughout the night and has done for most of today. Dean and I have shoveled not only his parents driveway, but a few others down the street. We decided to get a little exercise, frigid fresh air and make a buck or two at the same time. A few people took us up on our offer so our shovels worked steady throughout the morning. Dean made an announcement - "I hereby knight you - Hayley Shephard, a true Canadian" that I have shoveled snow on a regular basis.

Once back in the warmth of our home, a steaming cuppa tea clasped within our frozen hands I decided to check my emails. Delightful to hear from my dad, I opened his message up eagerly only to find a great teasing scene. Grinning from ear to ear my sister and dad sat in their summer attire, skin exposed to the glorious rays of the summer sun, a glass of red wine in hand while sitting at an outside patio table. Worlds away, my own dear family indulge delightfully in their summer season and oh how sweet of them to keep me well-informed :)

It looks like a few more presentations have popped up for me to do in this area, therefore my trip to B.C will likely occur in the beginning to middle of February.


Keep cool or keep warm depending on where you are.

1 comment:

  1. Outrageous photos Hayls. I will follow anyplace you lead. As the winter sets in, just come down to sunny Miami.
    Lots of Love,
